Captures sounds from your microphone, sound card or phone line and adds various effects like echo, chorus, monster, robot voice, etc. to them. Changes the voice to pitch and saves your creations as WAV, MP3 or RA.
With Voice SFX you will be able to add amazing sound effects to your own recordings or to any WAV file stored on your computer. It is both an audio player and a recording tool, which you can use to capture sounds coming into your system through a microphone, a telephone line, or your sound card. The effects available are truly amazing (echo, robot voice, chorus, backwards, etc.) and they can be applied either individually or combined. The only input format supported is WAV, though any file you record using this tool, or whatever new file you create by applying the desired effects to an existing file, can then be saved as WAV, MP3, or RealAudio.
The tool comes with a strange yet funny one-window interface. There you will find a useful wave file viewer and a series of effects written all over the lower part of the window, with fonts resembling the effect they represent. Applying any of these is as easy as selecting as many of them as you wish with a click of your mouse, and then playing the active file. Once you are happy with the way it sounds, you can save the resulting audio in any of the formats mentioned above. The beauty of this tool is its simplicity – you can try many different combinations in just minutes, just by selecting and deselecting effects. The results are immediate – the program plays the file right away, with whatever effects you applied, without any processing time delaying your enjoyment.
Okay, the list of effects may not be that impressive, but it will certainly be more than enough for many users. The kind of users who just want to have their audio played backwards, or at a higher speed, or with a robot-like voice (or with all three effects at the same time!) without the fuss of learning how to work that out in complicated, professional audio editors.
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